
As with food, water usage in households raises similar concerns due to limited supply and the growing demand for
freshwater in some areas, especially in recent years. The European Union reports an average household consumption of approximately 144 litres of water per person per day, with only a small portion of this being used for drinking and cooking.
Personal hygiene activities, such as washing, dishwashing, toilet flushing, watering of plants, filling up swimming pools
and of course leaks, comprise over a third of this consumption.
This quantity reflects solely the amount of water used directly by households and highlights their way of managing this often scarce resource. The increasing challenge of water scarcity, exacerbated by climate changes, has affected people
worldwide, also in areas that have previously never encountered these issues. Addressing this problem will force
people to make some difficult changes in their personal lives to reduce water consumption.
In this module we focus on what we can do for a more sustainable future and how that process can be started in our households.

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